Thursday, August 27, 2020
Ambient Temperature Definition in Weather
Surrounding Temperature Definition in Weather In climate, encompassing temperature alludes to the current air temperature - the general temperature of the open air that encompasses us. At the end of the day, encompassing air temperature is a similar thing as conventional air temperature. When inside, encompassing temperature is at times called room temperature. While figuring the dew point temperature, the surrounding temperature is likewise alluded to as theâ dry-bulbâ temperature. The dry bulb temperature is a proportion of the dry air temperature without evaporative cooling. What Does Ambient Air Temperature Tell Us? Unlikeâ maximum high and least low temperatures, surrounding air temperature reveals to you nothing about the climate figure. It basically determines what the air temperature is at the present time, outside your entryway. In that capacity, its worth continually changes minute-by-minute. Dos and Donts of Measuring Ambient Air Temperature To gauge the surrounding air temperature, all you need is a thermometer and to adhere to these basic principles. Dont and youll hazard getting a terrible temperature perusing. Keep the thermometer out of direct sunlight. If the sun is sparkling on your thermometer, it will record the warmth from the sun,â and not the surrounding heat noticeable all around. Therefore, consistently be mindful so as to put thermometers in the shade.Dont place your thermometer too low close to the ground or too high above it. Excessively low, and it will get overabundance heat starting from the earliest stage. Excessively high and it will cool from winds. A stature of around five feet over the foundations best.Place the thermometer in an open, very much ventilated region. This keeps the air flowing openly around it, which implies it will speak to the temperature of the encompassing environment.Keep the thermometer secured. Protecting it from the sun, downpour, day off, ice gives a normalized environment.Place it over a characteristic (verdant or soil) surface. Solid, asphalt, and stone pull in and store heat, which they would then be able to transmit towards your thermomete r giving it a higher temperature perusing than the genuine condition. Encompassing versus Obvious (Feels-Like) Temperatures Encompassing temperature can give a general thought of whether you will require a coat or a sleeveless top, however it doesn't give a lot of data about how the climate will feel to a real individual as she ventures outside. That is on the grounds that the surrounding temperature doesnt consider the general dampness of the air or the effect of the breeze on human view of warmth or cold.â The measure of dampness (moisture) or stickiness noticeable all around can make it harder for sweat to dissipate; this, thus, will cause you to feel hotter. Thus, the warmth list will increment regardless of whether the encompassing air temperature will stay consistent. This clarifies why dry warmth is regularly less vexatious than wet warmth. Winds can assume a job in how cool a temperature will feel to human skin. The breeze chill factor can make the air have an apparent lower temperature. In this manner, a surrounding temperature of 30 degrees Fahrenheit can feel like 30 degree, 20 degrees, or even ten degrees in a solid breeze.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Best Place to Get Essay Help
The Best Place to Get Essay HelpIf you need some help writing an essay, then you have come to the right place! There are several essay help websites available online that will give you some tips on how to write your essay.The main key in all essays is to make it interesting. Of course, people should know what they are writing about, but more so they should be able to convey their thought in an interesting way. You can easily do this by using proper grammar and structure.If you get a topic that interests you are not sure how to write your essay on it, then it is best to visit some of the essay help websites out there. The goal of these websites is to help students with essays and improve their writing skills.For example, they may tell you that if you are writing an essay on some movies, then you should put them in paragraphs. Or, they may tell you that if you are writing an essay on religion, then use short sentences. By taking advantage of these sites, you will be able to find more t ips for essay writing.There are many online resources that offer free essay help. However, many people are wary of signing up for these resources because of the fact that they may not be as good as paid resources. However, if you look at it in a different way, you will find that with some time and effort, you can make great use of the resources available to you.To be able to write a good essay, you should know how to use language. You should also know how to organize your thoughts so that your essay will flow well. That is why it is important to read different sources, especially those that will give you tips on how to write an essay.After you have looked through the various essay help websites out there, you should then be able to find one that suits your needs. Remember that you should not be afraid to seek out help from professionals.The last thing that you should be doing is looking through the various essay help websites to find out which ones will suit your needs. This will al low you to gain more knowledge about writing an essay.
Friday, August 21, 2020
UK Welfare State Essays - Publicly Funded Health Care,
UK Welfare State Great wellbeing is a significant factor to a person's government assistance. It is an basic essential for the pleasure throughout everyday life. Consequently the significance of medicinal services to governments is incredible and huge measures of assets are distributed to human services, for instance in the UK medicinal services compares for 6% of GNP. Some contend that Healthcare is a social issue instead of financial however the assignment of rare assets and the inelastic interest for human services loans it self to monetary examination. Fair assignment of a product is one in which everybody gets a base norm and amount. So regarding full correspondence in the general public everybody ought to devour the item similarly. In social insurance this contention gets confused, should everybody get a base standard of medicinal services? Or on the other hand should everybody get the best social insurance accessible? In all actuality that clinic structures, specialists and clinical hardware all take up assets. The best standard of social insurance must be given if the entirety of the administration's assets were apportioned to the arrangement of wellbeing. This would be an absurd activity, as different wares would not be created which might be unfavorable to wellbeing and different parts of life. Medicinal services is not the same as all other items in that the (provider) specialist find out about it than the (shopper) quiet. Shoppers can recognize two sorts of item and pick the one, which gives them most noteworthy utility yet with human services the patient isn't instructed enough about medication to pick between two medicines and should thusly go with what the specialist suggests. This irregularity of information gives the medicinal services industry providers imposing business model force. A medicinal services provider could bring down the standard of administration and not dread loss of clients. A specialist may likewise suggest a treatment that is exorbitant and along these lines will get higher benefit for himself without the normal individual knowing any better.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
An Introduction Of An Electronic World - 1265 Words
INTRODUCTION: AN ELECTRONIC WORLD In today’s electronically focused world, there are many, many different environmental concerns and questions brought up by consumers and businesses. Today’s world is very energy dependent and relies on electronics that can be harmful to the environment in both production and in disposal. As such, many high-ranking and popular businesses like Google, Citigroup, Dell, Verizon, and others have stepped up to push for sustainability in the IT world for the benefit of their business and for the consumer (computerworld, 2010). As more and more companies step forward to join in their footsteps, the cost of using sustainable practices will decrease, hopefully leading to even more companies making the switch until†¦show more content†¦They have already invested billions into changing their infrastructure over to more sustainable, renewable energy sources. Google’s director of energy and sustainability, Rick Needham, stated the reasoning for Google pushing so hard into the sustainability market is that â€Å"While fossil-based prices are on a cost curve that goes up, renewable prices are on this march downward. Even if you factor in how fracking has reduced the cost of gas in many regions, the pricing trends generally point toward renewables†(Kanellos, 2013). Of course, it makes sense if you think about it: fossil fuel will only be around for so long, since there is a limited amount of it on Earth, meaning over time, even if you become more efficient at burning fossil fuel and maximizing the energy gained from it, the cost of continuing to use fossil fuels will only continue to rise as supplies run short. GOOGLE AND RENEWABLE ENERGY On the other hand, renewable energy sources like wind, water, and solar are quite literally limitless natural resources. The only thing that keeps prices high for renewables is the efficiency rate of and relative newness of some of them. However, as renewable energy sources become more efficient as time goes on, prices are guaranteed to fall. In fact, some renewables have already greatly become more efficient. Wind turbines has increased their ‘capacityShow MoreRelatedQuestions On Electronic Fiscal Devices Essay830 Words  | 4 Pages2.0 Introductions This chapter summarized the studies from other researchers who have carried out their research in the same field of study. The specific areas covered are the background Electronic Fiscal devices and its challenges faced by user of EFD machines in Tanzania by drawing inference from all over the world. 2.1 Definitions of Electronic Fiscal devices Electronic fiscal device involve wide variety of technological devices that tax authorities use to monitor transactions (IMF, 2013). 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Their goal is to become more humane world, where children’s rights are respected by all. And there will be a new way of voting and to make voting processRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography Of Buddhist Ethics Online1669 Words  | 7 PagesPrebish, Charles S., and Damien Keown. Buddhism the Ebook : An Online Introduction. 4th ed. State College: Journal of Buddhist Ethics Online, 2010. PDF. , $27.75, ISBN 978-0-9801633-6-0 Background Information Charles S. Prebish was Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at Pennsylvania State University from 1971 to 2006. Upon retiring from Pennsylvania State University, he served as the first holder of the Charles Redd Endowed Chair in Religious Studies at Utah State University where he also servedRead MoreEssay on Digital Technology is Changing the Published World968 Words  | 4 Pagestoday, the existence of the digital world is slowly changing published books into digital forms (electronic books). An electronic book is a book publication that exists in the internet and is easily accessible on a CD-ROM. Advanced technology has led to discovery of user-friendly electronic appliances that make accessibility of digital books much easier than before. This essay provides a lucid discussion on the future of printed books in the fast evolving digital world using two reliable researches performed
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Killer Angels and Slavery - 1591 Words
When a researcher studies the causes of most wars, the causes for nearly any war are usually innumerable. However, there are a select few wars that even in the presence of several different motives, one underlying object or ideal seems to always be the root of the problem. One prime example of this idea is the American Civil War wherein almost every individual soldier had a different reason for being on the battlefront. One nation whose people had grown into a melting pot had slowly been torn down the center for several decades before the inevitable war came. Slavery seemed to affect everything in the United States during the time leading up to, during, and even after the Civil War. Thus, the issue was unavoidable, and whatsoever conflict†¦show more content†¦Quite literally brothers had to fight brothers. This sort of warfare shook every solider, commander, and political leader down to their core as they gave the orders to, or actively engaged in combat. The average man who passionately watched the slave debates was now thrust into the combat, whether as a solider or a civilian in the crossfire. There is almost no other topic in the history of the United States that seeped down to every individual man s lifestyle and became a focus mentally and in the warfare in the way slavery did. The average man s point of view on slavery is shown in Michael Shaara s The Killer Angels through soldiers who fought and died over this very ideal. This book s perspective on the common viewpoint on slavery gives a deep insight on the people who didn t belong to the political extremes, which is a topic left out in history a decent amount of the time due to a possible lack of relevance seen by instructors or authors. Through this book it becomes visible how every man has is own just cause for fighting in the war, as shown in Chamberlain s speech that he gives to the soldiers that refused to fight wherein he states: Some of [them] volunteered to fight for the Union. Some ca me in mainly because [they] were bored at home and this looked like it might be fun. Some came because [they] were ashamed not to. Many of [them] came because it was the right thing to do (Shaara 29-30). Even with all theseShow MoreRelatedThe Killer Angels By Michael Shaara1521 Words  | 7 PagesThe book The Killer Angels was published in 1975 by the Ballatine Booksand was written by Michael Shaara. The Killer Angels is a historic novel about the time of the American Civil War, more specifically The Battle of Gettysburg. Shaara wrote this historical masterpiece with the sole purpose of letting the reader know exactly how the war was for the men actually putting their lives on the line to get this great country of America to the stature it is today. In order to accomplish his goal of creatingRead MoreThe Killer Angels By Michael Shaara1290 Words  | 6 Pages The Killer Angels Essay â€Å"There is no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending.†Stated by Abraham Lincoln, this quote embodies the essence of war, its tragic character and unfortunate occasional necessity. Accordingly, the outcome of war and its battles is often determined by the attitudes of the leaders of the opposing sides, including their causes for the willingness to fight and to be fought. Such was the case with the Battle of GettysburgRead MoreThe Killer Angels By Abraham Lincoln1046 Words  | 5 Pagesagainst itself cannot stand.†Lincoln believes that there is no such thing as a balance between free and slave states and that the two contradictory governments are bound to fall. That describes the conflict that occurs in the fictional novel, The Killer Angels, a civil war story between the Union and Confederate states fighting to achieve the government they yearn for. The setting takes place in the midst of the Battle of Gettysburg as the two sides prepare for the fight. The Confederate officers include:Read MoreThe Killer Angels By Michael Shaara1634 Words  | 7 PagesAuthor Background Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Shaara, the author of The Killer Angels, was born on June 23, 1928 in Jersey City, New Jersey. He was an author of science fiction, sports fiction, and historical fiction. Although writing was his passion, Shaara was very athletically successful in high school, winning more awards than any other student in the history of the school for sports such as basketball, track and baseball. He acquired a skill in boxing, and of the 18 matches ShaaraRead MoreThe Killer Angels by Michael Shaara Essay1393 Words  | 6 PagesShaaras intent, it can be justifiably stated that he succeeds in his objective. The Killer Angels does not merely relate what assaults and defenses where made by which colonels and generals. Instead, the book delves into the emotions of the major figures of the battle and what they endured physically and mentally as they planned for assault, defense, or mere preservation of life. In this way, The Killer Angels aids the reader in unders tanding the causes for the Battle of Gettysburg and the incidentsRead MoreKiller Angels Essay1856 Words  | 8 Pagesevidence does he present to make his point? Do you agree or disagree with him? Trevor Jenke Professor Lockwood History 1301: M-W 12:30 2 December, 2013 Killer Angels Book Review 1. During the Civil War, there were two sides, the Confederate Army and the Union Army. While the Confederates fought for slavery, the Union fought for their freedom. While the Confederates fought for the continuance of state’s rights, the Union fought, the Union fought for what its name stood for, preservingRead MoreEssay about The Civil War1422 Words  | 6 PagesThe Civil War The Civil War lasted 5 years, took 600,000 lives and yet there exists doubt in what is the main reason behind it. I myself feel that the major issue that triggered the war was slavery, which for the South threatened economy. I am going to discuss how issues of slavery existed before the war, how it was in the minds of soldiers during the war, and then still existed after the war. The North favored a loose interpretation of the United States Constitution, they wanted to grantRead MoreThe Killer Angels By John M. Skipper Essay781 Words  | 4 PagesHistory 1301 John M. Skipper The Killer Angels is a historic backstory of the days leading up to the Civil War. The story is told from multiple viewpoints including Robert E. Lee, James Longstreet, George Meade, and Winfield Scott Hancock. It is mentioned the Army of Northern Virginia is moving behind the Blue Ridge Mountains, and that the Army of Potomac is also moving, but is traveling very slow. This is one of the characteristics which plagued them throughout the war. ShaaraRead MoreEssay about The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara957 Words  | 4 Pages The killer angels is a world acclaimed novel that was written by an author known as Michael Shaara. In the year 1975, it was granted the Pulitzer Prize for creative writing. It gives us in details the occurrences of the four days in the Battle of Gettysburg. This was during the American Civil War that occurred in the year 1863. At this time, troops that comprised of both the Union and Confederacy were at war in town called Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. This is a piece of story that is driven by dispositionRead More The Killer Angels Essay1365 Words  | 6 PagesWars have been fought for many different reasons through the years, and that holds true for the American Civil War (1861-1865). In Michael Shaaras Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Killer Angels, the reasons for fighting the war are brought about through the officers and soldiers at a famous battle site of the Civil War, Gettysburg. Gettysburg was one of the most documented battles of the whole war. It took place over a sp an of three days and can be viewed as a turning point from Confederate
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A P Case Study on Addisons Disease Essay - 977 Words
Unit 1 Case Study Addison’s disease is from a result from damage to the adrenal cortex. These two adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys, where they are enclosed in a fibrous capsule and a cushion of fat. . The have an outer portion, called the cortex, which is a glandular tissue derived from embryonic mesoderm. The inner portion called the medulla, which is more like a knot of nervous tissue than a gland and it is part of the sympathetic nervous system. The adrenal cortex synthesizes over two dozen steroid hormones called corticosteroids. The Adrenal medulla is part of the autonomic nervous system. They are often referred to as the suprarenal glands. That damage causes the cortex to produce†¦show more content†¦Treatment with replacement corticosteroids will control the symptoms of this disease, and this usually will require the patient to take these drugs for life. It is receive a combination of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. The provider may increase the dose in times of infection, injury and stress. With adrenal crisis patients will need an immediate injection of hydrocortisone, either IM, or IV. If the blood pressure is extreme low IV fluids will be helpful. Complications can occur if you take too much or not enough of the adrenal hormone supplement. This complications can arise due to related illnesses such as diabetes, chronic thyroiditis, hypoparathyroidsim, ovarian hypofunction or testicular failure, thyrotoxicosis and pernicious anemia. Low sodium with Addison’s should be carefully corrected, if done to quickly it can lead to brain damage, this is noted in a 2004 article in â€Å"American family Physician†they require immediate but slow administration of saline, which is basically salt water, composed of sodium chloride in water. They list a second step which then be finding the underlying cause. Primary adrenocortical insufficiency is not a common disorder. It’s incidence in western populations are near 50 cases per 1,000, 000. However with the widespread corticosteroid use secondary adrenocortical insufficiency due to steroid withdrawalShow MoreRelatedCoexistence of Autoimmune Disease with Type I Diabetes Mellitus in Libyan Patients2041 Words  | 8 PagesMATERIAL AND METHODS The prospective clinical study was undertaken on 849 patients admitted in endocrine department of Tripoli Medical Center from December 2007 to July 2008. From the patients files, the concomitant disease presence or absence was also recorded; especially with reference thyroid function. The important investigations as prescribed by the physician were also recorded. patient’s serum level of T4, T3, FT4, FT3 and TSH were measured for 748 patients. The venous blood samples wereRead MoreThe Health Care Crisis and What to Do About It1342 Words  | 6 PagesThe cost of receiving treatment- cost effectiveness Hard-core diseases have proved to be hell for most people because of the high costs of treatment. In a country like the U.S. that is a world leader in advanced medical care, a significant proportion of its total gross domestic product (GDP) is used to fund health care. A lot of money is used in treating some of these diseases and there is no guarantee that the disease will be totally suppressed. The private sector spends more on health careRead MoreHealth Belief Model1640 Words  | 7 Pageshas continued to be the focus of considerable theoretical and research attention (Janz N,Becker MH,1984 and Harrison JA.el .MullerPD,1992 ) in long and short term behaviour, including risk sexual risk of behaviour and transmission of HIV/AID .This study is include theoretical background and as it examine the attributions and criticisms in Health Belief Model (HBM) . Also it is attempt to a review of the general attitudes people about the own health. Becker (1974) described the model as attemptRead MoreHcs/438 Dqs Essay1329 Words  | 6 Pagesnumbers we first add the numbers up and then divide that number by the amount of numbers you had to add up. For an example: 5+10+5+10+5= 35 then we divide 35/5 because we used 5 numbers to add. We come up with the number 7. 7 would be the mean in this case. â€Å"The median is the middle value of the data set. To find a median we arrange the values in ascending (or descending) order, repeating data values that appear more than once. If the number of values is odd, there is exactly one value in the middleRead MoreDefinition of Nursing1191 Words  | 5 Pagesand conservative, and suffering from lack of cohesiveness and collegiality†(Cohen, 1981; Eisenstein, 1982; Hughs, 1982; Hull, 1982; Kalisch Kalisch, 1977; Kerr, 1982; Lowery-Palmer, 1982; Muff, 1982; Weiss Remen, 1983 as cited in Chandler, 1986, p.1). With this definition of what a nurse has been professed as, there is a fundamental responsibility to redefine and understand the purpose and characterization of today’s nurse. Without a true clarity, respect and cohesiveness of peers and communityRead More20th Nursing1560 Words  | 7 Pagesleaders. Goldmark (1923) in particular emphasized that the training needs of the students and the service needs of hospitals were incongruent. She wrote that when: the needs of the sick must predominate; the needs of education must yield†(Goldmark, p. 195). To balance the academic needs of nursing students with their need for clinical experiences, Dr. Richard Olding Beard advocated for university education for nursing student. He contended that university education would eliminate the incongruenceRead MoreEssay on Autism Spectrum Disorder and its Comorbidities 985 Words  | 4 Pagesexample, the child receives sensory input when a teacher lightly touches his hand to get him back on task, his nervous system processes this input and sends signals to the brain, finally the brain translate it into an appropriate response. In this case, the child quickly gets back on task. However, with sensory processing disorder there is a breakdown somewhere along this cycle. A person who suffers from sensory processing disorder will often find it difficult to process sensory input. There canRead MoreEssay Male Victim Rape1771 Words  | 8 Pages Male Victim Rape Abstract This research paper is based on individual case study related to â€Å"Male Rape Victims.†Male rape is a crime of forcing another person to submit to sex acts, especially sexual intercourse (LongMan Dictionary, p1169). In general, male rape has occurred as often as every year from the age of twelve and above. Frequently, males and females had common experiences in same situations. An attacker could victimize males as well as females, who can be an attacker, only a small numberRead MoreGoing Paperless: Electronic Medical Records Versus Paper Medical Records Is It Time to Make the Switch?2698 Words  | 11 Pagesbring forth health care advances with the systems data quality and availability. This research study uses focus groups and surveys to get the opinions of different health care providers and some patients on what they think EMR will do for the health care industry. Literature related to EMR was reviewed to get a better understanding of the benefits and barriers of e lectronic medical records. The study uses data from two health care facilities for 4 new patients in the traditional paper-based medicalRead MoreApplication Of Higher Order : Features On Mammograms Essay1701 Words  | 7 Pagesintensities of gray scale levels or colours. Similarly texture analysis can also be used to identify masses and microcalcification in mammograms. However Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCM) technique introduced by Haralick was initially used in study of remote sensing images. Up till now in breast cancer detection only first and second order GLCM features were mostly used, to the best of our knowledge there is no evidence of use of higher order GLCM features for detection of malignant masses in
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Active and Empathetic Listening Listen Up! free essay sample
There are a multitude of situations where active and empathetic listening strategies can be applied in order to improve mutual understanding and respect, such as in interviews, business meetings, hostage negotiations, personal disputes, as well as in therapy. In order to effectively utilize these strategies it is vital that both parties seek to gain more understanding of the interaction. For example, if you are applying for a job and the person interviewing you is explaining what your responsibilities would be, it would be to your benefit to allow him or her to finish their description before interrupting with a question. If you make eye contact and nod your head when you agree with the person this also shows that you are following what they are saying (Salem). This is an effective use of silence in your communications repertoire and it demonstrates respect for the person that is taking the time to discuss the job with you. We will write a custom essay sample on Active and Empathetic Listening: Listen Up! or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Furthermore, if your goal is to get the job it would be to your benefit to demonstrate your ability to hold a professional and productive conversation with people that you may not personally know. In this way, if you are an active and empathetic listener, the employer will have confidence in you as a potential representative for that particular organization. These techniques will build trust and collaboration and in turn that person will be more likely to extend to you the same courtesy in the future – all of which will help progress your communication goals in the future.
Monday, April 13, 2020
To Kill A Mockingbird and Scout free essay sample
What are the main points in Heck Tate’s evidence? What does Atticus show in his cross examination of Tate? 5. What does the reader learn about the home life of the Ewells? Be specific with examples from the text. To Kill a Mockingbird In-Class Simulation Once this paper is in your hands, you may NOT have any contact outside your group!!! THE TASK: A man has been convicted of rape and battery and sentenced to die for the crime. He is appealing his conviction to the 104th Circuit Federal Appeals Court seated in Gallatin County. You and your fellow justices will hear the case as one of the final stages of his appeal. You will decide whether to (1) accept his appeal for a new trial, (2) modify his death sentence (to life in prison or probation, (3) leave the sentence as is – and allow him to die for his crime. In your group, you will need to elect a Chief Justice who will guide the process, asking for each member’s opinion, mediating disagreements, and conducting votes. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill A Mockingbird and Scout or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You will also need two recorders – one to keep track of arguments of why you think the man is guilty and one to keep track of arguments of why you think the man is guilty. The chief justice should tally the final verdict. You will need to write and deliver a majority opinion justifying the ultimate decision and your reasons for your choice. The defendant is 27 years old, married with children The victim is a 21 year old single white woman The victim and the defendant work in the same building and both acknowledge having seen each other before and sometimes speaking casually with one another. †¢ †¢ The victim was severely beaten in the attack, which helped account for the death sentence The defendant denies the accusations, but claims that the woman flirted with him on one occasion that was interrupted by a jealous boyfriend †¢ The boyfriend claims to have later witnessed the assault, arriving only in time to scare off the defendant. †¢ †¢ The defendant was apprehended as he was trying to flee. The appeal is based on the fact that no medical evidence of rape was ever obtained. Those on the scene at the time claim it wasn’t an immediate concern. He was convicted after six hours of deliberation by a jury of 12 honest MEN The defendant has since attempted, unsuccessfully, to escape from prison The alleged incident occurred in the victim’s home at approximately six o’clock in the evening on the night of August 10, 1988. †¢ †¢ †¢ Injuries were found on the left side of the victim’s body. Victim was never examined by a medical official/ The Defendant’s left arm was left shriveled and paralyzed from a childhood accident. To Kill a Mockingbird Bell Work Chapter 18 and 19 1. Is Mayella Ewell like her father or different from him? In what ways? 2. How does Dill react to the trial? Why is this, in your opinon? 3. How well do you think Mr. Gilmer proves Tom’s guilt? Why? Why not? 4. What made Tom Robinson visit the Ewell’s house in the first place? 5. In your own words, explain Mayella’s relationship with her father. To Kill a Mockingbird Bell Work Chapter 20 and 21 ++ NO BELLWORK DUE TO CLASSWORK ASSIGNMENT: Using your book, chapters 17-20 only, please locate and write down passages that fit the following criteria. Use a separate sheet of paper. Write neatly. Punctuate quotations properly { â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (98). }. Introduce each passage with a sentence that identifies is (i. e. Atticus reveals Bob Ewell’s guilt when he says, â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (34). Note: 6 passages total. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bob Ewells’s guilt (something Atticus says) Bob Ewell’s guilt (something Bob Ewell says) Tom Robinson’s innocence (something Tom says) Tom Robinson’s innocence (something Atticus says) Mayella’s lies The one thing that Tom Robinson says that is considered a mistake that might ruin his changes of winning the trial. To Kill a Mockingbird Bell Work Chapter 22, 23, 24 1. Although Atticus did not want his children in court, he defends Jem’s right to know what has happen. Explain, in your own words, Atticus’s reasons for this (look at the speech beginning â€Å"this is their home, sister†¦) 2. Why does Dill say that he will be a clown when he grows up? 3. Why is Bob Ewell so angry with Atticus? Do you this his threat is a real one? Why/Why not? What do you think about Atticus’s reaction to Bob Ewell’s challenge? 4. What does Atticus tell Scout about why the jury took so long to convince Tom? 5. Explain, briefly, how Tom was killed. What is Atticus’s explanation for Tom’s attempted escape? To Kill a Mockingbird differentiated unit for chapters 22, 23, 24 Learning Goal: Read chapters 22, 23, 24 of To Kill a Mockingbird , make sense of the citizen’s of Maycomb’s reaction to the verdict, and make a personal connection to the reading. 1. Assignment one: For a struggling reader, listening to the chapters being read aloud and stopping to pause and reflect on the points in the chapters which are significant is more helpful. For homework due in this class period, ask the students to complete a reading log entry that is a ? page response to the verdict delivered in chapter 21. How do they feel about the unfairness of the trial or do they think it is fair? Why/Why not? During class, the students will listen to the reading, and while they listen, they will fill in the graphic organizer provided to them. This graphic organizer will ask them to fill in various citizen’s reactions to the verdict – all of which is touched on in the reading. See handout one. 2. Assignment two: For the average reader and group workers, a review and discussion of the reading assignment is appropriate. The homework due in this class period is reading chapters 22, 23, 24. The chapters detail the town’s reaction to the verdict, and after completing the bellwork for these chapters, it is useful to have the students share passages which illustrate the townspeople’s reactions to the trial and a discussion of what their own reactions to the verdict are. See handout two. 3. Assignment three: For advanced readers and independent workers, a webquest on the Scottsburo Trials is relevant and interesting. The students will complete the same reading for the day’s class period; however, during class, these students will use the computers available to research the trials and answer the attached questions. Assessment: completion of the webquest and the ability to relate the Scottsburo Trials to To Kill a Mockingbird . See handout three. Materials needed: Computer with internet access for level 3 assignment TKAM audio cd with cd player and copies of graphic organizer for level 1 assignment Overhead with bellwork questions and sticky notes for level 2 assignment Reading Log Entry for Chapter 21: Re-read the section on pages 210-211. How does the verdict make you feel? Do you think it is fair or unfair? Why/Why not? Do you wish things could be different? Did you ever think – just for a minute – that Tom might win the trial? How do you predict others in the town will react to the news? What about Bob Ewell? Jem? Dill? Miss Maudie? Graphic organizer for Chapters 22, 23, 24 Character How the character reacts to the verdict page # Handout Two To Kill a Mockingbird Bell Work Chapter 22, 23, 24 6. Although Atticus did not want his children in court, he defends Jem’s right to know what has happen. Explain, in your own words, Atticus’s reasons for this (look at the speech beginning â€Å"this is their home, sister†¦) 7. Why does Dill say that he will be a clown when he grows up? 8. Why is Bob Ewell so angry with Atticus? Do you this his threat is a real one? Why/Why not? What do you think about Atticus’s reaction to Bob Ewell’s challenge? 9. What does Atticus tell Scout about why the jury took so long to convince Tom? 10. Explain, briefly, how Tom was killed. What is Atticus’s explanation for Tom’s attempted escape? Hand out sticky notes. Have students mark passages to share with the class of different people’s reactions to the trial. Split up the people among members of the class. They can work with a partner if they choose. Then have class members share with each other and put master copy on the board with page #s. Handout three The Scottsboro trials The websites below discuss a very controversial trial held in Alabama in the 1930s, very similar to the trial of Tom Robinson. Read this entire page and the timeline that follows: Historical Context of the Scottsboro Trials library. thinkquest. org/12111/scottsboro/historic. htm For more information (optional), visit: The Trial of the Scottsboro boys /www. law. umkc. edu/faculty/projects/FTrials/scottsboro/SB_acct . html Answer the following questions that you can present to the class: 1) What were the Scottsboro boys on trial for? Did they actually commit this crime or not? How do you know? The second part of your paper should consist of a personal essay that illustrates the point(s) of empathy that you share with the character and a detailed and meaningful description of the reasons why. Remember that your experiences do not need to be exact duplicates of the situations or experiences of the character; they must merely relate in some meaningful way. Assignment due __________. Neatly handwritten. Skip lines between passages. Empathy: The ability to understand another’s feelings, perspective, motivation, and situation. Skim through the novel To Kill a Mockingbird and find five incidents or quotes with which you can empathize in some way. Be sure to write the entire passage or quote and include the page number on which it begins. Then write what it is you can empathize with. Follow exactly the format below. Example: 1. Scout’s feelings: â€Å"After ten forevers Dr. Reynolds returned. ‘Is Jem dead? ’ I asked. ‘Far from it,’ he said, squatting down to me. ‘He’s got a bump on his head, just like yours and a broken arm†(264). Point of empathy: I can empathize with Scout’s fear that her brother is dead after their run-in with Mr. Ewell. I, too, have felt scared that my brother was dead after he was in a car accident. It turned out that he was just injured, but like Scout, I was really afraid at the time. Empathy Paper Outline TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD I. Opening paragraph a. This passage is significant because Scout has been involved in a very scary situation involving her brother and Bob Ewell. One of the people who saved Jem is Boo Radley, one character of whom she and her brother have been frightened. d. â€Å"After ten forevers Dr. Reynolds returned. ‘Is Jem dead? ’ I asked. ‘Far from it,’ he said, squatting down to me. ‘He’s got a bump on his head, just like yours and a broken arm†(264). e. I can empathize with Scout’s fear that her brother is dead after their run-in with Mr. Ewell. Personal story a. I, too, have felt scared that my brother was dead after he was in a car accident. It turned out that he was just injured, but like Scout, I was really afraid at the time. b. My brother and his best friend got into a car accident on New Year’s eve, and I was in fifth grade. c. He ruptured his spleen and we went to the hospital. d. We had to cancel our family New Year’s party. e. I didn’t understand why he was so out of it after the surgery and I thought he was dying because of all the blood. Comparisons and conclusion a. Both Scout and I feel very close to our brothers, and we look up to them in such a way that we would be lost without them. b. Like Scout, I was also very young when my brother was in the accident, and I didn’t understand exactly what had happened. c. Similar to Jem, my brother was pretty badly injured, and it would take some time before he healed. d. I always wanted to share my experiences with my older brother because I looked up to him so much. I don’t remember anything in particular happening the night of his accident, but I have felt similar to Scout when she describes: â€Å"As I made my way home, I thought what a thing to tell Jem tomorrow. He’d be so mad he missed it he wouldn’t speak to me for days†(279). II. III. ENGLISH I LITERARY Empathy Paper Rubric CONNECTION WRITING RUBRIC SKILL AREA 6 Responses at this level: 5 Responses at this level: 4 Responses at this level: 3 Responses at this level: Meaning: the extent to which the writing exhibits sound understanding, interpretation, and/or analysis of the writing task and text(s) Convey an accurate and indepth understanding of the topic, audience, and purpose for the writing task †¢ offer insightful interpretations of the text(s) with analysis and connection that goes well beyond a literal level †¢ develop ideas clearly and fully, effectively integrating and elaborating on specific textual evidence †¢ reveal a thorough and insightful understanding of the author’s use of literary elements and techniques †¢ skillfully establish and maintain consistent focus on a clear and compelling thesis which offers a personal connection to the text †¢ exhibit logical and coherent structure that supports the thesis †¢ make skillful use of transition words and phrases †¢ are stylistically sophisticated, using language that is precise and engaging, with notable sense of voice and awareness of audience and purpose †¢ effectively incorporate a range of varied sentence patterns to reveal syntactic fluency †¢ demonstrate control of the conventions with essentially no errors, even with sophisticated language Convey an accurate and complete understanding of the topic, audience, and purpose for the writing task †¢ offer clear and explicit interpretations of the text(s) with analysis and connection that goes beyond a literal level †¢ develop ideas clearly and consistently, incorporating and explaining specific textual evidence †¢ reveal an understanding of the author’s use of literary elements and techniques †¢ effectively establish and maintain consistent focus †¢ exhibit a logical sequence of claims, evidence, and interpretations to support the thesis †¢ make effective use of transition words and phrases †¢ use language that is fluent and original, with evident awareness of audience and purpose †¢ incorporate varied sentence patterns that reveal an awareness of different syntactic structures †¢ demonstrate control of the conventions, exhibiting occasional errors only when using sophisticated language (e. g. , punctuation of complex sente nces) Ideas and Content: the extent to which ideas are elaborated using specific and relevant details and/or evidence to support the thesis Convey an accurate although somewhat basic understanding of the topic, audience, and purpose for the writing task †¢ offer partially explained and/or somewhat literal interpretations of the text(s) with some analysis and connection †¢ develop some ideas more fully than others, using relevant textual evidence †¢ reveal an implicit understanding of the author’s use of literary elements and techniques †¢ establish and maintain focus on a clear thesis †¢ exhibit a logical sequence of claims, evidence, and interpretations but ideas within paragraphs may be inconsistently organized †¢ make some attempt to use basic transition words and phrases †¢ use appropriate language, with some awareness of audience and purpose †¢ make some attempt to include different sentence patterns but with awkward or uneven success †¢ demonstrate partial control, exhibiting occasional errors that do not hinder comprehension (e. g. , incorrect use of homonyms) Convey a partly accurate understanding of the topic, audience, and purpose of the writing task †¢ offer few or superficial interpretations of the text(s) with a tendency to retell instead of analyze or connect †¢ develop ideas briefly or partially, using some textual evidence but without much elaboration †¢ reveal a vague or limited understanding of the author’s use of literary elements and techniques †¢ establish but fail to consistently maintain focus on a basic thesis †¢ exhibit a basic structure but lack the coherence of consistent claims, evidence, and interpretations †¢ make an inconsistent attempt to use some basic transition words or phrases †¢ rely on basic vocabulary, with little awareness of audience or purpose †¢ reveal a limited awareness of how to vary sentence patterns and rely on a limited range syntactic structures †¢ demonstrate emerging control, exhibiting frequent errors that somewhat hinder comprehension (e. g. , agreement of pronouns and antecedents; spelling of basic words) Organization: the extent to which the writing establishes a clear thesis and maintains direction, focus, and coherence Word Choice and Sentence Fluency: the extent to which the writing reveals an awareness of audience and purpose through word choice and sentence variety Conventions: the extent to which the writing exhibits conventional spelling, punctuation, paragraphing, capitalization, and grammar
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Who Died and Made Them Boss. essays
Who Died and Made Them Boss. essays The United States government sounds very hypocritical when it points the finger at all Communist ideologies by telling them they control the lives of their citizens, when the U.S is doing the exact same act. Our constitution has set up many laws that make perfect sense, and exist for a very good purpose. However, any laws that do not make sense, and cannot cause harm to others, should not exist. When I think of these issues, three situations come to mind. Being forced to wear your seat belt, forbidden to smoke marijuana in your own home, and being forced to leave your home, are each laws that make no sense at all. These situations are harmless to society, and therefore should not exist. Smoking marijuana can only cause harm to the person that is smoking it. The government should not be able to tell you what to do, unless it causes harm to another person. Who are they to tell you what to do in your own home. A website called states that, "Possession of marijuana, any amount is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,000." A law that cannot harm other people should not be considered a law at all. Marijuana destroys brain cells and can lead to immotivational syndrome. If a person wants to destroy his or her brain cells, so be it, however no one should be able to stop them. People don't always need Big Brother watching over them, and making sure they do everything right. It is their life and they can do whatever they want with it. People don't need a government to tell them what to do. Smoking in a car, is a different story. Marijuana impairs your vision, and your ability to react. Not having these every day skills, can endanger the l ives of other drivers, so smoking while driving should be considered a crime. Smoking in your own house or on your own property, however, should not be illegal, because it is your land, and you can do whatever you want to your own brain. A go ...
Monday, February 24, 2020
Rebuttal essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Rebuttal - Essay Example Affirmative action in essence means giving preferential treatment to diverse groups in society either for academic or employment purposes. These policies are targeted to combat discrimination that has plagued American societies for centuries. Without a doubt, America is referred as a â€Å"melting pot†as many individuals come from diverse backgrounds. While affirmative action is a bold attempt to atone the sins of past decades, affirmative action needs to be eliminated since it leads to preferential treatment, lowers standards for performance, and leads to reverse discrimination. The author argues that affirmative action insist that diversity in college will produce a more nurturing environment. Although that may be true to a certain degree, it does not diminish the fact that a diverse classroom is derived from different opinions, not necessarily from a race context. It is wrong to assume that diverse classroom will promote more ideas since race has little to do with innovation. Some students that are not admitted based upon a merit status struggle to excel in their posts. For instance, an individual who gets accepted to systems analyst position at IBM, will continue to struggle if he does not understand the basics of management information systems. If that particular individual is not capable of handling the complicated tasks expected from him, then clearly he should not have been employed. The worst part is the fact that it has divided the country deeply in the issue as the flaws of this legislation are so deep that it gives an advantage to minorities. The whole notion of reverse discrimination is a huge flaw in the author’s logic because the author insists it opens new doors for opportunities. However, the author fails to address that it leads to preferential treatment. Imagine a scenario in which a Caucasian and a minority both apply for a high-qualification job. For the sake of the
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Recycling in the hospitality Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Recycling in the hospitality - Case Study Example This is done by a mutual exchange and fulfilment 'f promises." [1] There has been a very notable change in the concept 'f using traditional transactional marketing to building and maintaining relationships. This assignment talks about relationship and direct marketing and how it is used in today's world. To make things comprehensible, a company was chosen and the focus was made on this company and their dealings. Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, the founder 'f the Tata Group, incorporated the Indian Hotels Company Limited (IHCL) on April 1, 1902, for the ownership and operation 'f the Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai. The Taj Group's first hotel, The Taj Mahal Palace & Tower, Mumbai was opened on December 16, 1903. The Taj has had momentous innings spanning the last three decades both in India and overseas and has established itself as the premier hospitality body in this country. Indian Hotels' presence spans the entire gamut 'f the market, across different brands and price segments. It is renowned for providing world-class, personalized service to guests, even as it retains an old-world charm by upholding the traditions and heritage 'f India. Today the Taj brand is synonymous with luxury and service, in India and abroad. The Taj brand is divided into 3 categories, namely business, leisure and luxury. This is done to make things easier and more approachable for a customer. All these hotels use product differentiation. This is made evident and clear through their marketing activities. However, the services offered here are the same. Each type 'f category uses a set 'f procedures and policies to maintain relationship marketing. The focus at IHCL is on customer valuation, which then leads to attracting new customers and customer retention. The Taj believes in maintaining customer relationships. As shown in the value chain earlier, Taj has two main customers. This is her guest and the Travel agencies that she deals with. A customer is valued and identified by market research. He is then attracted with schemes and programs. Once a customer is attracted and starts using Taj services, a focus is made on building a strong and special relationship with him. Taj has an alliance with Thomas Cook. This is the main travel agency, which promotes Taj. Besides Thomas cook, there are hundreds 'f travel agencies which deal with Taj. These range from the biggest agencies in India like the travel corporation 'f India and Sita Travels to the smaller agencies all over the country. Taj has won international acclaim by winning various international awards. Recently, at the 2000 Selling Long-Haul magazine Travel Industry Awards, UK and Irish travel agents have awarded Taj Hotels as the Best Individual Hotel/Hotel Group in India/Indian Ocean. The travel agencies are offered discounts, schemes, promotions and packages, which they can further sell, to the customers. It also has alliances with a few
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Cal by Bernard Mac Laverty - Critical Evaluation Essay Example for Free
Cal by Bernard Mac Laverty Critical Evaluation Essay Cal is a romantic-tragedy novel written by the Irish author, Bernard Mac Laverty. It is a fiction story about a young man living in Northern Ireland during the troubles of the 1970s. The writer conveys a number of significant themes through skilful writing and the novels plot, such as guilt, hypocrisy and bigotry. In this essay, I will be focusing on the themes of the story, the purpose of why the novel was written and the authors use of imagery to enhance his writing. The events of this story take place in Northern Ireland in the 1970s. During the period of time in which this story is set in, Northern Ireland was going through what we would now refer to as being The Troubles. This was a period of conflict involving republican and loyalist paramilitary organisations and included conflicts and violence. Cal is about a young adult named Cal who is living in Northeren Ireland at this time. He is a Catholic living in a Protestant area with his father, Shamie. This leads to him being the victom of many bigotry driven attacks, such as his house being burnt down and to him being insulted on his own street. He starts to fall in love with a woman named Marcella, which, from the very beginning, is a doomed relationship. This is because a year earlier Cal was reluctantly involved in the murder of a Protestant policeman, who was, in fact, Marcellas husband. Cal becomes closer and closer to Marcella as the novel goes on, and you find out more about the murder as the plot develops. He then lands himself a job at Mrs. Mortons farm, the mother of Marcellas husband, Robert. This brings him even closer to Marcella and they start to have a relationship with each other. This relationship becomes even more intense when Cal is offered to stay in Mrs. Mortons outhouse (as his house had been burnt down). He is then arrested at the end of the novel, for the murder of Robert. The ending of the story was very skilfully done. Near the end of the story, Mac Laverty builds up massive tension through certain events in the plot. It is then all concluded in a small, yet effective, paragraph. It tells us enough information to feel satifsfied, yet wanting to know more. It leaves key questions in the readers mind such as whether he deserved it or not and what will be his fate. I believe that the plot is a very important aspect of the story as it develops the mood and atmosphere and it is the events which take place which allow the themes to be conveyed. All the characters in Cal have complicated lifes. Most of them have good and bad sides and are all affected in different ways by the troubles. Cal is nineteen years old. He lives with his father and he is a Catholic. He is caught up with the IRA (Irish Republican Party) and takes part in a number of crimes which he does not want to be part of. After he joined, he had to do what they asked, such as when Cal thinks of the things the IRA do: They shoot deserters even deserters who protested that they had never joined in the first place. This quotation shows that Cal is scared of Crilly and Skeffington (members of the IRA) and that he is in danger. It also shows that Cal never wanted to take part in the violence making it sound stupid that they would shoot him. This whole section shows that Cal is vunerable. The writer makes out that Robert is a hard working loving man throughout the story. For example, when Marcella is telling Cal about her husband: He was so plausible one of those people that everybody likes in company. This quote shows that Robert was popular and was a worthy man, and there is also evidence showing that he was witty and intelligent. However, we later find out that he was not all what he was meant to have been, as Marcella confesses to Cal: He told lies, Cal. All the time. About his affairs I know he had two or three at least about his drinking and the money he spent This is an example of how the characters have both good and bad characteristics. Despite this, Marcella still loved him and was distraught when he was murdered. This also makes the characters more realistic, which lets the reader relate to the different characters in Cal. It also creates the question of who was too blame for The Troubles which relates to the theme and purpose of the novel, which I will be discussing later in this essay. All of the characters are affected by the troubles as well, as most of their problems are due to that situation. For example, if it was not for the troubles, then Cal would not have been involved with the IRA and Robert wouldnt have been murdered, taking problems out of all of the characters lives. All of the characters features reflect the themes, such as Cals characteristic of being vunerable, leading to his self loathing and guilt. There are many themes in the novel Cal. One of these themes that I will be focusing on is the theme of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy means the pretence of possessing virtues, beliefs or qualities that one does not really have, especially in matters of religion or morality. One way in which the author displays this theme is via specific characters, such as Crilly. Crilly is part of a gang who are fighting for independence from Great Britain. For example, when Skeffington is talking about Crilly: There are not many aspects of our culture which interests Mr Crilly. But hes a useful man. This quote shows that Crilly does not care about Irish independence and culture but is only in the gang as he likes the thrill of violence. It also shows that the IRA are not offended about his beliefs but just want him to help with their struggle. This shows them being hypocritical as they kill people who do not believe or reject their views, but someone who does not care about Irish independence can help with the violence. Another way in which hypocrisy is showing is through thoughts of characters and their dialogue. This is taking from a part where Dunlop (Cals Protestant employer) is talking to Cal about the situation in Northern Ireland: Would you do the same to the Loyalist prisoners every time a Catholic was murdered? Dunlop thinks that for any Protestant policeman who is murdered by a Catholic, two Catholics should be shot. This quotes shows that Dunlop is a hypocrite as he would shoot two Catholics every time a Protestant policeman was murdered but not if it was the other way around. This also shows that Dunlop is a bigot, which ties in with my next theme, bigotry. A bigot is a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to their own religion, or opinion. Bigotry is the main cause of fear and violence in the story. One night, Cal and his father receive a note stating: GET OUT YOU FENYAN SCUM OR WELL BURN YOU OUT. THIS IS YOUR 2ND WARNING, THERE WILL BE NO OTHER UVF This clearly diplays pure bigotry. Cal and his father are being threatened to leave their home of many years, just because of their religion. This quote also shows how ignorant the UVF are, as they have spelt fenyan wrongly. This leads to Cal and his father being fearful, for example: Shamie was putting the gun beneath his pillow and climbing into bed This shows that Cals father has to keep a weapon underneath his pillow as there is a constant threat of violence. Another theme which has been cleverly developed is the theme of guilt. Cal feels guilty about his involvement in the killing of Robert, which leads to his self-loathing. At the start of the novel, the writer makes this very obvious: Merde. Crotte de chein. Merderer. Cal hates himself so much, that he makes up words to describe himself. The word merderer has a possible two meanings; it shows that he is guilty and secondly it shows his self loathing. As he becomes more and more involved with Marcella, his guilt increases: Now that he felt safe from the world outside he was being attacked from within his own head This quote is taken from the section where he is living and working with Marcella. It shows that guilt is eating him up and is destroying him and his life. The author also uses writing techniques to convey the theme of guilt: It was as if idleness had allowed dirt to accumulate on his [Cal] soul, to clog his mind, and work moved him through it untouched Mac Laverty uses this metaphor to show how Cal was brooding over Mortons death and his involvement. It also shows that he thinks that he deserves to go to hell for what he has done. When Marcella tells Cal about what Robert was really like, it complicates his guilt as he now knows that Robert sometimes brought misery to Marcella, and maybe it was good that Robert was murdered. All of these themes show the writers purpose in writing. He shows bad and good sides to both Protestant and Catholic organisations, leading to us to wonder which is the good side in the novel. The story also shows us how difficult and violent Northern Ireland was at that time in history, and how deeply everybody was affected. To an extent, the way the author writes also shows aspects of him being a bit ashamed of his country, due to the negative details and feelings he writes about. Mac Laverty uses a range of techniques to create the mood and atmosphere in the novel. One of these techniques, is his use of imagery. The story starts with this mood with the author describing the scenes taking place in an abattoir: It was immediately winched up by one of the hind shanks and its throat cut The author uses a lot of violence and blood imagery at the start of the novel to set the tone of the book. Other evidence which shows this use of evidence is that there are a lot of deaths and murders mentioned in the novel. An example of this is when Cal and his father are watching the news and the author describes the events that had happened, which were mainly murders and violence, in a way which seemed to be normal. Death permeates the novel as does religion. There are often references to the Bible and to religious symbols throughout the novel. Symbolism is another technique that Mac Laverty uses. There is also symbolism to certain fairytales, such as when Marcella is talking to Cal about her daughter, Lucy: Lucys favourite story at the minute is Repunzel This is significant as Marcella feels like she is trapped because she tries to do the right thing. The plot has been structured in a sophisticated way. The story has two climaxes: one in the middle and the other at the end. The first one occurs when the writer tells you about the death of Robert. This is significant as there is a huge tension built up before you find out. The author does this via short clues which are spread out throughout the novel and short sentences. The second climax is done in a similar way, but the paragraph in which it concludes, is quick and snappy and tells of only the most significant point, which is Cal being arrested. The dialogue of the novel is very realistic. The author does this by using Irish forms of slang, such as da instead of dad, and explicit language. The writer also uses great techniques to enhance his writing: His sin clawed at him, demanding attention The writer personifies the idea of the sin, describing the feeling of it clawing, to give the idea of Cals guilt and how is is destroying him and is eating him up. The verb clawing is associated with violence and adds to the imagery that the author uses to enhance his novel and to create the atmosphere. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Cal. It made me realise how lives can be ruined due to situations which do not even involve them. The themes of the novel also made me more aware about some peoples views and how they can sometimes be full of violence and hatred. It showed me what life was like in Ireland in those days and how we have to try to avoid anything so destructive from happening again.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Leave Your Disabilities on Shore! :: College Admissions Essays
Leave Your Disabilities on Shore! A 24-foot Rainbow glides across the sparkling waters of Lake George. As it gradually passes another boat, smiles are exchanged. The crew of the passed boat doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary about the other's crew, but something is different. The sailors are disabled. How can disabled people sail? Just how actively do they participate? Aren't they scared? The Y-Knot sailing program began as an informal group in 1996 and in 1997 grew into an organized program, running sailing clinics all summer long. Y-Knot, which has been run at Lake George's Camp Chingachgook, has given over 100 disabled individuals the chance to sail. The people who participate in the sailing clinics are for the most part physically disabled adults; however, those who do not fit this category are invited to participate, and friends and family are always welcome. The program is organized and run by a board of participants, who work hard to ensure safety and to expand what they believe to be a truly wonderful opportunity for disabled people. To begin with, the sailors are offered "Sailing 101," a course explaining how to operate the craft and the basic aerodynamic and hydrodynamic principles of the sport. Next, and most importantly, safety is ensured. Every sailor wears a life jacket, and adaptive pieces of equipment, such as seat straps and rudder extensions, provide the necessary accommodations. If a person needs help boarding the boat, assistants are available to lift people out of their wheelchairs or simply lend a helping hand. The boat the group is about to board has special safety features: a weighted keel so the boat won't tip, and an outboard motor with enough fuel to safely return to shore, should the unlikely need arise. In addition, ship-to-shore communication is expected to be added this year. These extra safety features help calm the frightened first-time sailor who had likely not expected to ever try the sport. Most importantly, the changes to the boat cannot be noticed by passers-by, so the Y-Knot sailors have fun and normal experiences. Once the sailors are informed and secure aboard, they head out to sea with an experienced instructor. The instructor encourages the sailors to do as they please. Some sailors choose to sit back, relax, and enjoy the refreshing lake breeze blowing against their faces.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Tcs Environmental Policy
Environmental Policy of TCS Commitment to the environment stems from the Tata Group’s abiding concern for the environment and society, which is embodied in the Tata Code of Conduct. The Tata Group considers climate change to be the greatest threat affecting economic stability, vulnerable communities and the society at large. The Tata Group’s Climate Change Policy mandates that all group companies assume leadership roles in climate change mitigation in the pursuit of business aspirations and enhancement of shareholder value.In the business of providing IT services, business solutions and outsourcing. Our environmental impacts result from our business operations globally and through the services and solutions that we provide our customers with. True to the Tata spirit, TCS regards climate change mitigation and environmental improvement as essential features of its sustainable business philosophy.We are committed to continuously benchmarking and enhancing our own environme ntal performance through the reduction of our carbon and ecological footprints with the involvement of our business associates and partners, thereby striving to be leaders in our industry sector. Through our services and solutions, we endeavor to help customers improve their environmental performance toward their sustainability objectives.Aim to fulfill our environmental commitments through the following broad-level actions: * Integrate energy and environmental considerations in the design of new infrastructural facilities * Improve resource efficiency in operations, especially for key resources such as energy and water * Adopt the â€Å"3-R†(reduce, reuse and recycle) philosophy for all types of wastes toward prevention of pollution and dispose of â€Å"inevitable†wastes, especially electronic waste, in line with regulatory requirements or industry best practices * Promote â€Å"green procurement†to the maximum extent possible * Consider stakeholder ex pectations on our environmental performance in the design of infrastructure, operations, processes and solutions to the extent feasible *Set, monitor and review objectives and targets on an ongoing basis toward achieving continuous improvement in environmental performance and the overall environmental management system * Remain committed to complying with all the applicable environmental and related legal and other requirements and, wherever feasible, enhance the prescribed standards in all the countries that we perate out of * Continue public reporting of our environmental performance and our contribution to climate change-related issues through relevant national and international forums and to other stakeholders through appropriate communication channels * Communicate the environmental policy to all employees, business associates and other stakeholders and ensure that the policy is available to the public *Review the environmental policy and allied management systems periodically to ensure their continuing applicability and relevance to our operations and evolving stakeholder expectations * Strive to support various voluntary national and international protocols, conventions and agreements on environment protection and proactively engage with governmental and other agencies in driving future environmental policy and regulation At TCS, concern for the environment is integral to our business strategy toward sustainability, and we shall strive to fulfill all our environmental obligations and commitments toward being responsible global corporate citizens.TCS embodies the Tata group’s philosophy of building strong sustainable businesses that are firmly rooted in the community and demonstrate care for the environment. The elements that make for strong corporate sustainability at TCS include the following: * A fair, transparent and value-driven corporate governance * A strong strategy for longer-term business growth * Best-in-class HR processes * Initiatives for community betterment * Our stewardship of the environment Green Procurement PolicyAs a part of the ongoing commitment to improve the environment, this policy seeks to reduce the environment impacts of our operations and promote sustainable development by the integration of environment performance considerations in the procurement process. committed to the integration of environment performance considerations in the procurement process including planning, acquisition, use and disposal. TCS is committed to considering the environmental aspects, potential impacts and costs, associated with the life cycle assessment of goods and services being acquired. This calls for conscious efforts across TCS in the following areas: 1.Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: TCS is committed to reducing resource consumption and minimizing waste while considering the life-cycle costs of products. We seek to implement the hierarchy of preference to reduce, reuse and recycle resources throughout the procurement activity. 2. Buy Recycled: We are committed to buying recycled/part-recycled products to optimize consumption and stimulate demand for recycled products, promoting the collection and reprocessing of waste and working toward zero discharge to the landfill. 3. â€Å"Green†the Supply Chain: We hope to maximize the benefits by encouraging our supplier/vendors to adopt TCS' environment practices.We endeavor to undertake procurement activities with suppliers who share TCS' values. We will actively promote the green procurement policy throughout our supply chain to ensure selection that has minimum environmental impact. Green Procurement Green procurement or environmentally preferable purchasing (EPP) is the practice of procuring products and services that are less harmful to the environment (land, air and water) and all species including humans that depend on environment for survival. Green products are those that are made with less harmful materials or wh ich when produced or used/consumed would have a minimal impact on the environment.Listed below are a few ways through which we aim to integrate the green procurement policy with the TCS environment policy. 1. TCS shall encourage and prefer eco-friendly products, which are more power efficient. 2. TCS shall prefer to purchase from a source that is less polluting or uses clean technology. 3. TCS shall encourage and prefer vendors who use recycled packaging material. The possibilities of further reuse and/or recycling shall be explored with the user or the administration department. 4. For software products, as far as possible and to the extent feasible, the preferred mode of delivery shall be through the electronic method (download). A server is proposed to be deployed that would host the most commonly required software.Instead of burning CDs, secured access would be made available to the respective project team to download the product from this common server. 5. The IPD shall make efforts to recycle material from old sites to the practically possible extent. Focus Areas * Promoting procurement from Energy Star Partners * Procurement of low-energy consumption desktop configuration * Procurement of laser printers with GREEN functionality * Procurement of servers with low voltage CPUs and low-wattage storages * Procurement of server racks with efficient cooling systems * Eco-friendly procurement considerations for infrastructure and development * Eco-friendly procurement considerations for consumables  WASTE REDUCTION POLICYAt TCS, they are committed to reducing the environmental impact of our operations through appropriate ongoing material management. This calls for a conscious effort across TCS in the following areas: Reduction of waste at source: All delivery centers and offices must manage operations to reduce the quantity or toxicity of waste produced. Such measures include, but are not limited to the following: * Printing reports and documents, whenever possible, on both sides of the paper * Updating mailing and distribution lists periodically to avoid overrun; use of e-mail whenever appropriate * Giving preferential purchasing consideration to products that are reusable, refillable, repairable, more durable, less toxic, recyclable and which avoid excess packaging.Reuse of material wherever possible: All products and materials must be reused wherever possible. * Recycling: It is the responsibility of every associate to separate identified recyclable materials and place them in appropriate recycling containers. Office paper, corrugated cardboard and aluminum beverage cans must always be recycled in the appropriately marked container. Other materials are to be recycled whenever feasible and wherever containers are provided. Reuse is preferable to recycling. * Purchasing products with recycled content: All offices across TCS must purchase and use products manufactured from recycled materials whenever feasi ble. In particular, recycled paper products must be used.It is important that all recycled purchases be reported to the Admin/Purchase Department across TCS for record keeping and reporting purposes In addition to the specific efforts mentioned above, all delivery centers and offices are encouraged to designate one associate as a Recycling Monitor who will serve as liaison to Head – Health Safety Environment. TCS E-Waste Management Policy Tata Consultancy Services, being an IT-centric organization, contributes majorly to global electronic waste. Reaffirming our commitment to environmental protection, and in accordance with the stringent standards we set ourselves, the eWaste Management Policy reflects our objectives and practices toward this end.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
The Communication Barriers Of Deaf People - 972 Words
Our world has changed so much, especially for Deaf people. Less than a century ago, the ability to text and email weren’t available, and communication between Deaf and hearing people seemed much harder. Deaf people became weary of interactions with hearing people, for fear of being scammed or cheated. People who were hearing and knew sign language were sparse. Love Is Never Silent shows the communication barriers and how, for a Deaf couple, they relied on their hearing daughter to be their ears in the world. The story begins with Margaret, a young girl living with her Deaf parents and hearing brother. Her brother dies at a young age, leaving her parents with only their daughter to help them communicate verbally with the hearing world. As Margaret grows up, she notices their distrust and weariness of hearing people and that without her, they don’t have an easy way to communicate. She feels pressure and responsibility to take care of them and to be their ears in the world . Margaret doesn’t like feeling â€Å"different†because of the fact she knows sign and her parents are Deaf, so she doesn’t have many friends and only signs at home. When she meets and marries a hearing man named William, she is torn between helping her parents communicate with hearing people and being with him. Her parents struggle to adjust and accept Margaret’s new life with William, especially when she moves away and they don’t have a translator. Margaret’s parents relied on her for simple interactions.Show MoreRelatedDeaf : A Cultural Identity849 Words  | 4 PagesDeaf Population There are approximately 35 million people with a range of hearing loss in the United States (Hamill Stein, 2001). Roughly half a million deaf people don’t consider their deafness as a disability or medical disorder. They view their deafness from a cultural perspective. They consider themselves a pride in being deaf. 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