Saturday, December 28, 2019
Truck Culture of Pakistan - 3173 Words
1. Truck Culture of Pakistan: Art in any form is joy to the eyes. In Pakistan there is this great art (known as Truck Art) which has captured the imagination of tourists and art lovers from all over the globe. Its not cheap, it’s not easy but a truck owner without a truck art is not acceptable in the Truck Drivers fraternity. 1.1 History of Vehicle Painting in Pakistan The extraordinary tradition of decorating trucks has its roots in the days of the British Raj when craftsmen made glorious horse drawn carriages for the gentry. The 1920s the Kohistan Bus Company asked the master craftsman Ustad Elahi Bakhsh to decorate their buses to attract passengers. Bukhsh employed a company of artists from the Punjab town of Chiniot, whose†¦show more content†¦The most common features are landscapes, womens face, birds, tigers and flowers, but sometimes technological motifs like airports and trains can also be found. Two basic types of paintings can be distinguished in the way the truck sides are done. The first is simple painting, which is basically a picture on each segment on the sides with some additional ornaments. The second type, which leaves no square inch uncovered, is the Disco Painting’. These disco trucks are the real master pieces. Every time you look at them, you discover new images and decorations. But whether â€Å"simple†or â€Å"disco†, the paintings on the sides are never identical, and not only because the name of the owing company is written in Urdu on one side and in Roman on the other. [pic] 1.3 Night view of a Beautiful Truck 6. Motifs: The motifs on the trucks can be categorized in five groups: 1. Idealized elements of life, such as the romanticized village, landscapes or beautiful women. [pic] 1.4 Beautiful scenery painted on a Truck’s back 2. Elements from modern life, such as pictures of political figures or patriotic symbols. FIG:1.5 [pic] 3. Talismanic and fetish objects, such as horns, yak tails and items of clothing. FIG: 1.6 [pic] 4. Talismanically or religiously loaded symbols, such as eyes and fish. [pic] 1.7 Painted Eyes painted on the front top of a Truck 5. Obvious religious symbols and images, such asShow MoreRelated The Culture of Pakistan Essay examples1064 Words  | 5 PagesThe Culture of Pakistan I am always fascinated with other peoples cultures. The New York or Californian culture always amazes me although these states are in the United States. These areas of the nation seem very different than Texas. I do not have any friends that have recently moved here from another culture so, I set out to my neighborhood Stop N Go. The clerks at this convenience store are all from other countries. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Researh Methods in Sociology - 1055 Words
Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions between which people interact. Sociology ranges frome a wide spectrum of topics, and is nearly unlimited as humans interact with almost everything in some form. Sociologists gather and analyze the evidence about social life to our uincrease our knowledge and understanding of social processes and interactions. The research methods sociologists use are varied and heavily depend on the type of information they are looking to obtain. The term sociological imagination was coined by the American sociologist C. Wright Mills in 1959 to describe the type of insight offered by the discipline of sociology. In this text we see a clear difference between History and Biography Conflict Theory A theory created by Karl Marx that claims society is in a state of constant conflict due to competition for limited amount of resources. Conflict theory says that social order is maintained by control and power, rather than consensus and conformity. That those with wealth and power try to hold on to it at all costs, Usually by suppressing the poor and powerless. Conflict theory also can be seen in most of the fundamental developments in human history, such as democracy and civil rights, to capitalistic attempts to control rather than have a social order. This can be seen in the movie Pleasantville near the end when the Governor of the city trys to maintain the way it use to be where everything was the same, peopleShow MoreRelatedNursing research.5083 Words  | 21 Pages It is clear that the method used for the study was a qualitative approach. Niewswaidomy (1998) postulates that each qualitative method is unique. It should be dependent on the hypothesis or desired outcome of the research. As there is no hypothesis the desired outcomes are looked at instead to see the views of parents and nurses about the involvement of parents in the management of the childs pain during the first 48 hours after surgery. It is highlighted that the method used within the qualitative
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
History Of Unions And Their Relevance In Todays Australian Society Essay Example For Students
History Of Unions And Their Relevance In Todays Australian Society Essay History Of Unions And Their Relevance In Todays Australian SocietyThe Maritime Union of Australia is at present involved in a dispute with Patrick Stevedoring Company who have rented wharf space to National Farmers Federation who wish to avoid the crippling costs and inefficiencies of the Stevedoring industry. New Zealand companies have successfully introduced waterfront reforms and productivity has increased. Patrick Stevedoring have been crippled under pressure of the Maritime Union and rumours are ride about sacking of employees of the company. It appears that the Federal Government are support the NFF. The Australian this week reported News of the behind-the-scenes manoeuvrings came yesterday as John Howard hailed farmers attempts to set up a non-union Stevedoring operation as a great defining moment in history. The Queensland State Premier Mr Rob Borbidge also has support the NFF and invited them to establish a non-union dock in Brisbane. We hope to be able to expedite their inv olvement in more open competition in terms of the port of Brisbane and their may be other ways that the Government can assist Following the lead of Britain from where many of the original settlers came, workers in various occupations banded together to form unions. Ship writers, boat builders, tailors, bakers and carpenters were among the first craft unions form in Australia before 1848. By forming an association workers could obtain better wages and working conditions. However the employers wanted the highest profit margins so wished to keep wages low and spend little money on the working environment. The law of supply and demand in the labour market often determined which group was dominant. A third factor in the balance in Australia was the government. A successful strike by newspaper workers in 1829 for better wages and conditions resulted in the Masters and Servants Act being implemented which discriminated against the workers, who could be gaoled for minor revolts. Early in the colony, skilled labours were in short supply but in the 1840s after active promotion of emigrants by Britain this improved and a depression forced wages down and jobs were lost. With the discovery of gold, prices and wages rose, labour was scare and licenses imposed on miners and the Eureka incident occurred. Bust and boom economic conditions paroled surges recessions for unionism over the next few decades. The industrial union formed in the 1880s as a grouping of workers within an industry and across colonial and the Shearers Union and small bush workers unions became the Australian Workers Union. Unions then looked to represent workers in Governments and the 1890s major strikes were held and the Labour Party was formed. With coming of Federation compulsory arbitration settling of disputes between employer and employee by a third party encouraged unionism, with unions representing the workers. The labour market and demand for goods has been influenced by world wars, depressions and recessions. In the 1980s national reconciliation initiated by the Government, aimed at resolving some of the conflict between workers and employers. Strong leaders among workers of various occupations over the last two centuries, have been gaoled, sometimes killed, starved, abused, seen their families suffer for better working conditions. At the beginning of the industrial revolution, employers knew their workers and felt responsible for them. After the industrial revolution gained momentum they employed more people and lost empathy for their staff. Working conditions were 12 14 hours, without breaks, child labour was employed, accidents were rife and wages were low. Overcrowding in unsanitary conditions resulted in epidemics of disease. Workers were not allowed to vote and the employers were represented in Parliament. .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb , .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb .postImageUrl , .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb , .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb:hover , .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb:visited , .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb:active { border:0!important; } .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb:active , .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucf22e203d8eff06c49e0a9b6a14cb3cb:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Acl Injuries: Who, How, And Why? EssayUnions mobilize the full industrial strength of workers and as history has shown conditions of workers have greatly improved due to unionism. Unions have earned workers minimal wages forty hour working week, an eight hour day, annual leave, long service leave, accident and illness benefits, and workers compensation. Voting rights have assisted better legislation to protect workers which decrease the relevance of unions in todays society. Compulsory unionism has a contention issue as has non secret voting or ballots. Compulsory unionism has been negated to some degree but after employment clauses state that preference will be given to union members. In todays workplace the same worker may be eligible to belong to various unions. Sometimes these unions are in conflict and may vie with each other for members. Some workers feel the benefits do not justify the cost of union membership. Harassment of no union workers can be intimidating even violent, as in the example in Canberra a few years ago when union members trashed property. Pickets to prevent no union workers from fulfilling contracts has been a part of strikes. The use of scab labour has caused violence in strikes and the conflict has disrupted companies and industries. State and Federal governments have been involved in labour reforms and during the last few decades industrial unrest has been lessened as the arbitration and negotiation machinery had become more sophisticated. Fines imposed on unions and more accountability for unrest and strikes on union leadership has tended to moderate demands made by workers. Workplace reform has improved safety conditions for workers and accountability of directors and employers. As the change from external inspectors to duty of care of employers and co-workers increase the role of the unions in improving working conditions tend to decrease. In the 1990s enterprise bargaining is part of the Workplace Reform process. In the past unions were the bodies which were involved in negotiating conditions for workers. Today although the unions have fought to keep that role, many employees are not using unions as they negotiate on their own behalf. This is especially true in smaller workplaces and as unions membership continues to decrease, becoming more important in larger workplaces. The philosophy of a win-win situation compared to the win-loss is in the past as a resolution of conflict also softens the influence of unionism. As the world moves to a global economy, the worldwide influences in the labour market also impacts on Australia. The industry is now going through a massive change on an international scale a change that our Federation can not prevent or slow down. We can resist the change but then we must eventually lose. The argument must therefore be considered on the basis of do we resist change, or do we take from change the maximum that is possible to take, having regard for all of the circumstances,-Maritime Worker 1967 April EditionThe global nature of unionism has also resulted in international campaigns where strong unions in Australia have assisted in the establishment of unions in developing countries and supporting industrial action by unions in other nations. Stevedoring and waterside workers unions are an example of this support. In 1985 Australia, Japan, United States and New Zealand Stevedoring union representatives met together and agreed to form a mutual defence pact. In 1993 the Waterside Workers Federation amalgamated with the Seamans Union of Australia to form the Maritime Union of Australia. , Mr Borbidge is reported as saying in the Courier Mail this week. The paper also reported But it is understood that the Howard Government has begun preparing a waterfront restructuring package to help facilitate redundancy funding and reduce excess labour in the industry. .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8 , .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8 .postImageUrl , .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8 , .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8:hover , .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8:visited , .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8:active { border:0!important; } .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8:active , .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8 .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue5294438d3cde33c5fda6cbcd23bbed8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Peripheral and Semi-Peripheral Regions EssayThe Government is advocating workplace reform of the waterfront to enable it to compete in the international arena. At present the lack of productivity and high costs places, Australia at a disadvantage among other nations. The MUA has notified the Industrial Relations Commission of the dispute after Patrick failed to give an undertaking its workforce would not be sacked. The union plans a four day strike at the Port of Brisbane. Many Australians feel that breaking the crippling hold of the MUA would be good for the Australian economy and lead to reform and increased productivity. At a meeting of the full council of the Business Council of Australia, a statement was issued reaffirming its view that radically improved productivity and efficiency in waterfront operations remain one of the major reform challenges facing Australia. The conflict between the MUA and NFF may be long and bitter with many casualties, Patrick among the first, but with the present federal and state governments prepared to become involved. Changes will take place soon. Changes is fundamental to our life and unions have evolved over the last two centuries and will continue to change as global and reform issues rise and ware. Their significance will be determined by their ability to adapt to the needs of workers and society as the workplace changes. History
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Spanking Essay Example
Spanking Paper Is an Issue which Is highly debated In the world, every country, state, region, and city has It own Idea or way of arguing on spanking. Many cultures do not like to spank their children others also want to spank their children. However the bible says do not withhold discipline from a child, If you punish them with a rod you save them from death. Therefore spanking a child is a great way to discipline ones child and helps in the child growth as it helps the child to be successful in life. Discipline is the practice of helping children to develop self control, guiding them, titivating and correcting misbehaving of children and teaching them the right way of doing things for them to be acceptable in a society. It is the responsibility of parents or guardian to discipline a child. But then what is the right way to discipline a child?. Imagine telling your child is late do not watch television this night and your child look In eyes and says I will watch. His is the time for you to teach your child how to respect and the need to respect elders. This Is not done through Just talking to your child because he would not take It seriously but rather when you spank him e will never do It again. In other words It will establish a new Idea In the childs brain which will let the child be very sensitive to good behaviors. When you physically punish a child it becomes very difficult for the child to repeat such a behavior again because he would remember what happened to him. We will write a custom essay sample on Spanking specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Spanking specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Spanking specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I had a friend in my community in Ghana and that friend since he was a child he was always pampered and even when he does mistake, or do bad things like insulting elderly people his parents Just talked to him, now he blames his parents for that, and he has ended p in prison. There is no doubt the bible says the one who spares the rod hates his son but who loves him is diligent to discipline. Furthermore spanking helps in the child growth as it makes the child to be successful In life According to newspaperman: spanking Is like a milk It does good or at least a mind (dry. James Dobson). A study conducted by psychology professor Marjorie Guenon at Calvin college, mulligan fox news reports on the story, according to the research children spanked up to age of six were likely as teenagers to perform better at school, were ore likely to carry out volunteer work and to want to go college and also have academic success than their peers who had never been physically disciplined. These people do not wait for opportunities to come, they do not sit back and relax but their aggressive nature makes them serious in everything they do. These grown up children rather search for opportunities. And most companies like these people and are likely to be employed very easily because of their seriousness, they take everything with care. At age nine a friend of mine who was always at the bottom of he class gradually became one of the five best students In that class and with curiously I asked him how because I am always beaten at my buttock and my palm when am last said kopi. Spanking always help Individual success, It Is a detrimental tool to success. I will always blame my parents for not physically punishing me when a not go to cocoon, out ratter Just talked to me , talking never mace sense to me when I was a child, I did not value talking, because I thought when they talk, when I do not go to school next they will Just talk to me. I was a child I did not know anything ND never knew it would affect my life and these were what I thought, but now I believe if my parents had spanked me I would never had done what I did, now I am an illiterate and really suffering in this life although it hurts when I remembers them, Fests Champion said. However spanking could hurt the emotions and feelings of the child and makes them fear their parents and most often let the child think whether his parent love him or not. According to Joan Duran a professor at university of Manitoba, spanking may reduce the brains grey matter the connective issue between brain cells, grey matter is an integral part of the centre nervous system and influences intelligence and learning abilities. T includes areas of the brain involved in sensory perception speech muscular control,emotions. As it also inflict emotional damages and relations. Spanking is really a great way to help your child focus in this life. Spanking is an essential way to discipline your child very well, the bible says foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child ; but the rod of discipline will drive it far away.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Foundation Of Power And Justice In International Law Essays
The Foundation Of Power And Justice In International Law Thucydides wrote The History of the Peloponnesian War believing that it was a good picture of the past and which (human nature being what it is) will, at some time or other and in much the same way, be repeated in the future. This paper will present a comparison between the time of Thucydides and how the International system has reflected certain aspects that are contained in the document. It will attempt to address the possibilities of oncoming systemic war, concepts of trust, and the earlier statement of Thucydides. Terms that are important to this argument are anarchy, security dilemma, and balance of powers. Anarchy is the system that world politics works under: with the presence of no prominent authority, any state can do what it chooses on the international stage. The notion of security dilemma rises out of the fear of other states building up their forces and becoming a larger threat to all of the other states. The tie between anarchy, security dilemma, and life in a sovereign state is the balance of powers; which aims at primarily to preserve peace and the status quo. Thucydides' balance of power involved two states: Athens and Sparta. After the Persian war, Athens had become a very powerful military state, and began to assimilate other states they had recently saved in the Persian War. Athens justified their actions by suggesting that, having won the war, their rights to become an empire were prevelent. They then built walls around their new territories and continued to increase their military power. This worried the Spartans because if Athens were to attack them it would be difficult to counter attack. Sparta, however, did not respond by building up their forces to maintain the balance. The Spartans acted slowly and tried to avoid the conflict. However, when the smaller states went to Sparta and pleaded for aid, the Spartans agreed, to defend against hostile Athenian actions. Sparta and its smaller allies soon engaged the Athenians and were eventually victorious over the Athenian threat of hegemony. The underling cause of Spartan engagement orig inated in the pleas of the fleeing allied city-states. They claimed that since Sparta was the only other major power that it was Sparta's duty to protect the smaller states. These states also created the fear in the Spartans that Athenians would develop enough power to create a hegemony, and that they all would lose their sovereignty. They stated that an Athenian attack was inevitable. The Spartans began to position troops to defend themselves, as it was better military strategy to stop Athenian forces before they gained any more power. This was considered an aggressive act by the Athenians and sparked the beginnings of the Athenian-Spartan conflict. In comparison, Europe of the 19th century involved five major powers England, France, Russia, Austria, and Prussia. These five powers through communication and shared interest created a system in which they managed to maintain stable international relations. The larger powers were responsible for maintaining the independence of the smaller states' sovereignty. This system, though there were many small wars over territory and maintaining the balance, managed to avoid any systemic wars for ninety years after the Napoleonic war. In this alliance, England had taken on the role of a balancer and joined any side necessary to maintain the balance. The European system ran on many concepts that allowed for its stability. Their system was designed to ensure that all independent states would survive, preserve the system, and that none would control the others. The nature of their trust allowed each state to maintain a balance of power where none had to worry about the rise of hegemony. War was inevitable on a small scale to maintain the balance and status quo; however, due to the nature of the structure, the groups interest superseded the need for any state to take over others. Thucydides was correct in his assumption that some of his understanding of human nature would last through into the future. The structure of the system in both examples are remarkably similar even after almost two thousands years they still have many of the same underling principles. In both systems,
Sunday, November 24, 2019
was hitler a legal dictator during after his rise in 1933 essays
was hitler a legal dictator during after his rise in 1933 essays THE YEAR 1933 SAW HITLER RISE IRRESSISTABLY FROM LEGAL CHANCELLOR TO LEGAL DICTATOR. HOW VALID IS THIS ASSESSMENT OF THE NATURE AND THE EXTENT OF THE NAZI CONSOLIDATION OF POWER DURING 1933? In recent years many historians have come to the conclusion that during the year of 1933 Hitler was able to move from a chancellor of Germany to its dictator. A dictator is defined as a ruler who is not bound by constitution or laws. A dictator can also be a person who behaves in a tyrannical manner. So was this the position that Hitler found himself in at the end of 1933. Was he bound by a constitution or laws and did he behave in a tyrannical manner. Through looking and analyzing the key events of this year we will be able to answer this question. At the beginning of 1933 Hitler found himself in a very promising position. When Hitlers conservative supporters including Franz Von Papen allowed Hitler to become chancellor on the 30th January 1933 they did it because they felt they could control him. Papen himself was minister president of Prussia ultimately having control over the police as well as the civil service. He felt that by obtaining this position he would be able to stop Hitler from gaining any extra power. Papen explained within two months we will have pushed Hitler so far into a corner that hell squeak. However Hitler himself already began to get the upper hand by convincing the conservatives to allow him to hold an election. Now in charge of government agencies this would naturally help the Nazis come to power. At this time talks about creating an authoritarian government were being held with the army. Hitler wanted Germany eradicated of Marxism and the cancer of democracy. Confidence within the nazi party at this time was high and Goebbels himself had promised once we have power we will never surrender it unless we are carried out of are offices as corpses. Control ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Sexualization of Young Girls Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Sexualization of Young Girls - Essay Example Without question the society that we live in is one that is highly affected by marketing, media, and the representation of culture that we the individual is bombarded within on a daily level. Countless scores of research projects have been performed on the way in which individual integrate with these marketing ploys, the degree to which they allow marketing to affect their lives, and the percentage of income that such efforts are able to siphon off the viewer. Although this is a fascinating topic and doubtless deserves an even greater degree of analysis due to the fact that it segments many interrelated sectors of psychology, sociology, culture, gender, representation of self image, insecurities, and a litany of others. As a function of understanding this threat, the following analysis will seek to draw a level of inference with regards to the hyper-sexualization of children via marketing, the internet, advertising, and parenting. Ultimately, as these different factors will be analyz ed and discussed, it is the hope of this author that a level of understanding and analysis can be drawn to the ways in which the sexualization that is taking place might ultimately be reduced. Although the advertising media is nothing new with regards to its ability to sway human judgment and define culture, as the documentary which has been viewed as a means of informing this response has indicated, the renewed focus that marketologists have placed upon the niche market of â€Å"tweens†has been a powerful determinant in exemplifying the means by which products are engaged to some of the at-risk teenage girls within our society. One of the sources that has been read as a means of informing this particular piece is that of Taylor Wolleck’s piece entitled, â€Å"Of 'The Lolita Effect: The Media Sexualization Of Young Girls And Five Keys To Fixing It†. As such, this particular journal entry details the way in which media, advertising, and marketing all work single handedly to mold and establish a culture that has and would not otherwise exist before (Wolleck 124). This is a seminal and important inclusion in the field of the literature on the topic due to the fact that it is one of the few journal entries that seeks to deal with the full range and scope of the issue rather than dealing merely with ways to curb its effect. Although it is the author’s belief that this text is important as well as influential in helping to expound nuances of the situation, it has however unfortunately missed the point with regards to providing any help at all with regards to reversing the trend. Ultimately, the source is useful as it provides a broad and overarching framework from which the reader can seek to approach the issue of media interpolation into fashion, culture, and attitudes towards sexualization of the youth of the nation (Egan 293). As the documentary illustrates, the identification of a distinct group that can be identified as â€Å"tweens †was ultimately a figment of advertisers and marketologists as a means to create a distinct group that they could target with product lies that would ultimately translate into a higher level of sales. Although it is not the intention of this brief paper to belabor the point of the â€Å"tween†market, seeking to understand it is integral in understanding the hyper-sexualization of culture that has been experienced over the past several years. In much the same way, marketologists have focused upon development sleek and highly sexualized means of integrating with this new â€Å"
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